Exploring shallow lagoons with USV mapping technology Parallel to the in-person International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit in Xiamen, China, GEOMAR is coordinating a worldwide series of virtual satellite events . We would like to encourage you to register a satellite event supporting the engagement and advancement of actions in the broad area of Digital Twins of the Ocean. All information regarding the timing, format and registration for hosting a satellite event can be found below. https://ditto-summit2023.scimeeting.cn/en/web/index/17765_ Introduction The ocean is facing challenges from both climate change and increasing impacts caused by anthropogenic activities. This calls for breakthrough solutions to address the challenges for a shared sustainable ocean future. Digital twins of the ocean (DTOs) are digital representation of the ocean that help to answer ‘what if’ questions. Thus, they are intended to provide science-based decisio...
Ocean Circulation, hf radar, MBES, Digital Twin, Offshore Wind Farm