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Showing posts with the label California Ocean Observing System

SECOORA - HF Radar Surface Currents SECOORA – Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association – is the  coastal ocean observing system  for the Southeast U.S. Our  mission  is to observe, understand, and increase awareness of our coastal ocean; promoting knowledge, economic and environmental health through strong regional partnerships. Guided by our  members ,  Board , users, regional ocean experts, managers, and other stakeholders, we collect  data  and create tools that support human populations, coastal economies and a healthy, sustainable environment. Our  observing system  is comprised of multiple data products, moored and coastal stations, high-frequency radars, and a glider observatory. SECOORA is one of 11  regional coastal observing systems  that comprise the NOAA led  United States Integrated Ocean Observing System  (U.S. IOOS®). IOOS is essentially the weather service for the coastal oceans and ...