Special Screening: Documentary film “Collision”, featuring IOC/GOOS Ocean Souls Films, in association with the Claude & Sofia Marion Foundation, have released its powerful feature documentary focusing on fatal ship strikes on cetaceans - Collision (2023) . The film, featuring GOOS Act. Office Director Emma Heslop and many scientific experts in this field, premiered at the 20th International Ocean Film Festival in San Francisco on Sunday 16th April and was awarded the Environment Award. A special screening of the film will take place at the UNESCO HQ in Paris on 13 September 2023 19:00, followed by a discussion in the presence of the film's Director & Producer, Philip Hamilton, scientific experts and representatives of the maritime industry. Join us for this special screening and a timely conversation about the impacts of maritime shipping on marine biodiversity and how science, technology and international cooperation can improve our understanding of the issue and i...
Ocean Circulation, hf radar, MBES, Digital Twin, Offshore Wind Farm